Author Archives: Fred Kahn, M.D, FRCS(C)

Laser Therapy in the Treatment of Neurological Conditions

Meditech International is a vertically integrated biotechnology company founded by Fred Kahn, MD, FRCS(C) in Toronto in 1989. Over the course of time, the company has established four treatment platforms that provide a high level of success in the treatment of a variety of medical pathologies.
The first platform includes musculoskeletal problems, sports injuries and spinal conditions.
The second introduces a revolutionary method of wound healing that is effective in a timely manner.
The third application is for the resolution of dermatological problems including psoriasis, eczema, acne, etc.

The most recent and exciting platform addresses the treatment of neurological conditions, focusing primarily on cerebral concussion, also known as traumatic brain encephalopathy. As we all know, cerebral concussion has become a major healthcare challenge, as the incidence of this condition increases, the result of high-level sports activities, motor vehicle accidents, military conflicts and episodes occurring throughout the course of daily activities. The negative impact on the quality of life and the stress on economic resources are incalculable. Many options are available to relieve symptoms and hopefully stimulate the healing process. Unfortunately hope, from a realistic perspective, does not produce results.
In view of the limited therapeutic options currently available, aside from being only minimally effective or scalable on an encompassing basis, there is no single application that has provided consistent, effective relief. Reputations have been built on employing nutritional and/or exercise programs, neurofeedback and prescribing an extensive number of pharmaceuticals, the majority of which compound the problem, aside from the adverse effects induced by their addictive propensities. None of these methods provide a specific, curative effect to mitigate the pathology engendered by TBI.
Symptoms generally include headaches, sleep aberrations, a complex array of cognitive and executive dysfunction, brain fog, fatigue and depression, all of which negatively impact the quality of life. Most of these symptoms may be imperceptible initially, however they generally become more evident as time progresses. This is the result of the activation of inflammatory pathways, both at the cellular and physiological level, which leads to deterioration of the neurons, axons, etc. One must be aware that neurodegenerative disorders, including the Dementias, Parkinson’s, etc. may often result from a traumatic episode at an earlier stage in the individual’s life which may have been long forgotten. It may therefore be inferred that aside from chronic pain and depression, more serious late stage degenerative conditions may also result from traumatic brain injuries sustained at an early age.
The World Health Organization has recently published statistics indicating that 6 out of every 1000 individuals have sustained some form of concussion. It is estimated that there are somewhere between 20-30 million North Americans living with TBI-related disabilities. This does not include the vast number of cases that go unreported. Efforts to improve the treatment outcomes should be a priority for all clinicians and healthcare providers involved in these endeavours.
Once a diagnosis has been established, the therapeutic options are limited. Essentially concussion patients presently are prohibited from involvement in high-risk physical activities and demanding cognitive tasks. They are encouraged to rest and pharmaceutical solutions, often widely utilized, unfortunately do not address the underlying pathologies involved.
At Meditech, over the past 10 years particularly, we have focused on the treatment of neurological conditions, primarily traumatic brain injury, as these cases present the largest cohort of neurological problems. Protocols have been developed specifically to treat both acute and chronic conditions which have been further divided into stable, labile and other categories.
It must be observed that isolated injuries to the central nervous system alone are rare. A growing body of evidence indicates that the skeletal and soft tissues of the cervical spine, along with the spinal cord, may bear the primary brunt of the trauma. Aside from the torque and whiplash forces affecting the central nervous system, structures at the atlanto-occipital junction are exceedingly vulnerable to trauma. One should also be cognizant that the injury often includes the auditory and proprioceptive mechanisms. The brain stem, located at the posterior aspect of the brain, provides continuity with the spinal cord. The cranial nerves originate in the brain stem and when a traumatic episode occurs, physiological and neurochemical changes are manifested, leading to varying degrees of neuronal impairment. Neuroprotective functions are dependent on the viability of mitochondrial metabolism, which is essential to the process of cell survival and regeneration.

duo+_smCurrent research indicates that the effects of photobiostimulation consists of the primary effect, i.e. a direct photochemical change secondary to the excitation of photoreceptors and the activation of secondary messenger cascades with subsequent modulation improving function and gene expression. The secondary effect occurs at some point subsequent to light exposure. Impaired mitochondrial oxidative metabolism is associated with neuronal degeneration and this process is reversed with the application of Light Therapy.

Mechanism of Action
Therapeutic effects are actualized via three channels. The first is the direct effect of photon particles interacting with the membranes and intracellular molecules of the cells, constituting the neurological, connective and skeletal tissues that comprise the structures undergoing therapy.
The second is the absorption of the photon or energy particles by the cerebrospinal fluid which are transmitted to the spaces surrounding the central nervous system, the ventricles and the spinal cord.
The third is the humoral effect, i.e. the absorption of photon particles by the intravascular contents and distribution to the affected tissues. The circulation of both cerebrospinal and vascular fluids play a significant role in the actualization of this process.
During 2016 at Meditech, we treated 500 cases diagnosed with cerebral concussion. The results achieved by patients that follow the prescribed therapeutic regimen in a compliant manner are well in excess of an 80% recovery rate. Protocols are continually refined and individualized based on extrapolations from our clinical experience and our extensive database. At this point, we feel that Laser Therapy is the treatment of choice for patients presenting with traumatic brain injury; moreover it offers a precise, consistent and universally effective therapeutic approach to the elimination of symptoms and the full restoration of quality of life. Modified treatment protocols have also been applied on a limited scale to Parkinson’s disease, Dementia, Autism and other neurological conditions. Results to date have exceeded our expectations and in some instances, have been dramatic.
An early and better defined recognition of the diagnosis of concussion and the institution of Laser Therapy are paramount to the resolution of this and other neurological conditions in an expeditious manner.

Commentary On Health Care Today

The following article was recently forwarded to me by a highly intelligent patient.

I have placed it on my blog in order that everyone should be aware on how important it is to have an advocate when it comes to the administration of medical care today, particularly with regard to the utilization of pharmaceuticals and nutrition.

It demonstrates in an almost confounding manner the cycle of problems that occur with the complex inter-relationships between physicians, nutrition, pharmaceuticals and clinical outcomes.

At times the article is almost incomprehensible, however the author should be complimented for her persistence in saving the life of her husband despite the many counterproductive events described in the article.


Judy Barnes Baker

I thought the life I knew was over early Friday morning on October 28. My husband, Dean, got up complaining of chest pains, but he had none of the classic symptoms of a heart attack so we didn’t think it was anything serious. After a while he started to feel a little better and decided to come back to bed. I turned off the light and snuggled up to him because he said he was cold. I don’t know if I went to sleep or not, but I remember hearing a few gurgling sounds that I somehow recognized as not normal. When I turned the light back on, his eyes were open and he was not breathing. I somehow managed to dail 911 without my glasses. A woman’s voice told me to unlock the front door and then get him on the floor. I couldn’t lift him, so I pulled him off the bed and tried to break his fall. She told me how to do CPR and had me count each compression aloud to be sure I got the timing right. “Faster,” she said, “you have to go faster.” There was no response. I put the phone on speaker mode and said, “I’m losing him…tell them to hurry!” He made three slight gasps during the whole time I was doing compressions that gave me hope that he was still alive.

After what seemed like an eternity, the paramedics rushed in and took over. They asked me to hold the IV bag while they took turns doing manual CPR. Another team of paramedics arrived a little later. They worked on him for over an hour, maybe two, trying to get his heart to beat so they could transport him to the ER. I lost count of how many epi-pens and paddle shocks they used, but at one point, the team leader said they had maxed out the number they could give him and there was no point in trying more. When I asked what his chances were, he said, “I don’t want to give you false hope. It’s bad, really bad.”

They eventually got him loaded into the emergency vehicle and headed for the hospital. I put on my pants and shoes and called my daughter who came up and we followed in her car. I called my son who booked a flight for the next day, but after we got to the hospital, the cardiologist told me to call him back and tell him to come now, that tomorrow would be too late. He cancelled his flight and caught another one that got him here that evening. Although the order of events is now somewhat blurred in my memory, I remember being asked at one point if I would consent to a “do not resuscitate” order. When I asked about his chances, they told me it didn’t look promising but “sometimes we get a miracle.” I’m sure they were trying to give us some comfort, but the cardiologist told me later that the survival rate in such cases was 1%.

After the ER doctors completed the diagnostic tests, they moved Dean to the Intensive Care Unit. The room was lit up like a Christmas tree with flashing lights, beeping alarms, and he was attached to all sorts of monitors, tubes, and hoses. They cooled him down to 33 degrees C for 24 hours and kept him in a coma. Then they slowly warmed him up for 12 hours before attempting to wake him up. We wouldn’t know the extent of the damage for another day or two, but he was alive so we continued to cling to hope.

It turned out he had not had a heart attack at all–he had no clots or blockages and his arteries were not damaged. A brain scan showed no swelling or bleeding, which they found surprising after such a serious event. The only possible cause they found for the heart stoppage was a low potassium level. When I asked what caused his potassium to be low, several of the doctors and the hospital’s pharmacist said the likely culprit was his blood pressure medication.

I was impressed with the paramedics and the hospital personnel and thought they were doing a fantastic job of caring for my husband. They were kind, professional, and efficient, and they used the latest advances in emergency treatments and equipment. I have no doubt they saved his life in those first few hours, but it was a rude awakening when I found out what is in some of the drip bags and the feeding tube.

They were giving him intravenous glucose, insulin, and a statin along with about 40 other drips on two huge, multi-tiered racks across the room that almost blocked the doorway. When I explained that we ate a low-carb, high-fat diet and that Dean was insulin resistant and fat adapted, the nurse tried to reassure me that he was getting some fat through his feeding tube–but it was soy oil. I asked to speak to the dietician, who bought me an ingredients list for the mixture they were giving him. The main ingredient was corn sugar. I said, “This is just processed junk.” She said, “I know, but there are only two formulas that I am allowed to use.” The other formula also listed corn sugar as the main ingredient, but it had some MCT oil in it; of course the hospital insisted that she use only the very low-fat, low-salt, high-carb version for heart patients. Their standard protocols employed near-miraculous emergency treatments, like the cold therapy that was pioneered here in Seattle, to save lives, but they lose 99% of the patients anyway because of their outdated dietary beliefs. I had come face to face with the shocking reality of our current medical establishment: a dichotomy of high-tech, life-saving treatments combined with nutrition advice based on faulty epidemiological research from the 1950s. They are so deeply invested in fat-phobia and the diet-heart hypothesis of heart disease and that they have rigid rules in place to insure that the dogma is enforced.

I tried my best to convince the cardiologist on duty to at least give him some MCT oil that would nourish his brain in spite of all the sugar he was getting, but to no avail. She said, “I am a cardiologist, I would NEVER do that.” She said they have their tried and proven methods and can’t experiment. She also said she wouldn’t know how to do it anyway.

I have never felt so powerless and frustrated in my life. I knew how important those first few hours could be when dealing with brain trauma. Dave Asprey was among the many experts and doctors who offered their advice in response to my plea for help on Facebook; he told me what he gave his father in a similar situation, but I was helpless to do anything unless the hospital staff would allow it. What option did I have? There was no way I could move him somewhere else in his condition, even if I knew of a place that used different methods, which probably didn’t exist. Even some friends and family members were telling me there was nothing I could do and that I should just calm down and let them do what they do; meanwhile the time ticked by. I didn’t know if he would live long enough to come home where he could get what he needed to heal his heart and preserve his brain. Even though I didn’t think he could hear me, I kept telling him, “Please just come back; we can fix this.”

The first cardiologist I spoke to in ICU was the least receptive to any input. I persisted and eventually found two others as the hospital’s shifts changed who were more open. One of them (I’ll call him, Dr. G.) said his field of expertise was lipids. He knew what I was talking about when I said the brain functions better on ketones than sugar, especially for those who are insulin resistant. I told him about new research that was showing the diet-heart hypothesis to be flawed and that we need a lot of natural fat, including saturated fat. He said, yes, he had been hearing a lot about that lately. He agreed with me on some issues but stuck firmly to the current “standard of care” on others. I gave him some articles that I had printed out and he agreed to read them. He also agreed to make some of the changes that I requested and one other doctor did as well. They switched Dean to the feeding formula that contained MCT oil and added Co-Q10 and they took away the statin, which would have blocked his brain and heart from getting essential nutrients, saying that he didn’t need it anyway.

After reading the ingredients in the feeding formula they were using, I concluded that the hospital’s policy was to not spend a dime for anything they could get for a nickel, so I asked if they could use a higher quality MCT oil, like the 8-chain, Brain Octane Oil I put in my coffee every morning. Dr. G. gave his approval, but said it would first have to be added to the hospital’s pharmacy and he would have to find out where to get it. I said, “It’s in my purse.” I gave him my bottle and the pharmacist put a label on it and sent it to the ICU where the nurses added it to Dean’s medications. He was still being pumped full of sugar, but I didn’t want to press my luck on that issue for fear the helpful doctors’ orders would be overruled or they would be censured and those in charge would revert back to the standard treatment for heart patients. I was lucky to have found two doctors who were willing to break the rules for me, and I will be forever grateful to them.

On Sunday, they made their first attempt to get Dean off some of the life support. It didn’t go well and they had to put him back on. They tried again later that day and the second time it worked. In the meantime, he had started getting the MCT formula plus the Brain Octane Oil. Coincidence? Maybe, maybe not. He moved his toe and squeezed the nurse’s hand when she told him to. The doctor asked him if he was in pain and he shook his head, “no,” prompting tears and hugs all around. There was hope.

By Monday, the 31st, he was talking a little and even smiling at us. He drifted in and out of consciousness and asked repeatedly about what was wrong with him, but didn’t remember what we told him. He was still on potent pain killers that probably made things seem worse than they were, but he had 12 broken ribs from the CPR and a very sore and swollen throat from the big breathing tube they had just removed.

There is an African proverb that says, “When an old man dies, a library burns down.” Many people, including me, depended on all the knowledge stored in Dean’s remarkable mind. I wondered aloud to my son about why all the nurses wore such squeaky shoes. I didn’t know Dean was awake until he said, “Their shoes have anti-static soles because they work around oxygen.” Yes, that was my husband! He was still there! The next time the nurse checked his short-term memory by asking what year it was, he said, “The year the Cubs won the pennant.” They quit asking after that.

Surviving the hospital food was almost as big a challenge as surviving the heart stoppage. Seriously! The dietician had told me that once he started getting real food, I could bring in some things from home. They needed to be sure he could swallow before they removed the feeding tube (aka the sugar delivery system), so they started by giving him a few spoonfuls of syrupy liquids (even the water was thickened). When I had a chance to go home, I made some tastier things for him that contained good, natural fats. I bought a pate of foie gras and mixed it with bone broth to make soup and I made a thin chocolate pudding that contained good, natural fats. The nurse on duty allowed me to give him a spoonful or two of each. But the next day brought a different nurse who was on to me. She asked if what I had in my cooler was low-fat and low-salt, which of course it wasn’t, so that was the end of that.

Dean said the hospital food was so bad, he could hardly swallow it: pureed lean chicken breast with no salt and no fat; liquefied turkey meatballs; and worst of all, liquid broccoli. Even the yogurt, which he normally loves, was terrible. This probably explains why low-fat diets sometimes seem to show positive results—they are really just enforced fasts. Dr. Walter Kempner, creator of the Rice Diet, had to beat his patients to make them stick to his regimen. (1) They told Dean he couldn’t go home until he proved that he could eat enough calories for them to take out the feeding tube and they carefully watched and made note of how much he ate. He literally gagged down every last bite they served him because he wanted so badly to get out of there!

He had a pacemaker/defibrillator put in on Friday and they planned to release him on Tuesday. He was doing so well that they moved it to Monday and skipped the customary three- to five-day stint in rehab. One nurse told me they were referring to him around the hospital as Superman.

After six days in Intensive Care and a total of 11 days in the hospital, he was released. He now has a computer implanted in his chest that monitors his heart rhythm, reports any irregularities, and delivers shocks if needed. He also came home with nine new prescriptions, which scared me to death since it was a medication that he was taking that almost killed him.

At his one-week post-hospital appointment with the cardiologist, we passed very ill patients in wheelchairs being lifted out of vans as we came into the building and I thought, “There, but for the grace of God….” Dean walked in unassisted, filled out all the paperwork, and was joking with the receptionists just like always. We got mostly good news. The doctor removed two of the new meds and cut two others in half. He is stuck forever with the electronic paraphernalia and his heart beat was still a little wonky, but his memory and personality are 100% back and the doctor was amazed by his progress.

I asked Dr. G, who is now his personal cardiologist, if we needed to do anything to prevent his potassium from going so low again. He said, “If he stays off that drug, he will be fine.” To think that he went through all this because his GP gave him a drug to prevent heart attacks!! What a crazy world we live in.

The blood pressure medication Dean had taken for 20 years was hydrochlorothiazide. It is the most commonly prescribed medication for blood pressure, not because it is safe or effective, but because it is the one insurance companies choose to pay for! Below is an eye-opening quote from an article sent to me by a reader. (Thanks, Joan.)

“In an article published in Postgraduate Medicine, Saint Luke’s Mid America Heart Institute, leading cardiovascular research scientist, James J. DiNicolantonio, Pharm.D., and cardiologist James H. O’Keefe, M.D., examined some of the most commonly prescribed blood pressure medications and their effectiveness in reducing heart attacks and mortality versus a placebo. In many instances, the research revealed that often the most popular medications are not only not the best, in many instances they are not any more effective than a placebo or may actually cause harm….The most commonly prescribed thiazide diuretic in the United States is hydrochlorothiazide, with more than 1 million people receiving a prescription in 2008. However, this medication increased cardiovascular death and coronary heart disease compared to both the placebo and control in two clinical trials. Alternatively, only 25,000 people received a prescription for chlorthalidone in 2008, even though this medication consistently demonstrated significant reductions in heart attacks and strokes compared to placebo….Currently there is no universal rating system in the United States where medications can be selected by clinicians based upon their effectiveness. Rather, insurance companies ‘pay for performance’ or ‘pay for service,’ but this does not guarantee the selection of effective medications.’”
Read the full article here:

Low potassium is the first side effect listed for hydrochlorothiazide and doctors who prescribe it are advised to check blood levels and recommend potassium supplements. Dean’s doctor checked his potassium once a year and never mentioned a supplement. Both low and high potassium can kill you. (Veterinarians use potassium to euthanize dogs.) I have heard from many people who have had similar events linked to this drug as well as others. If you or a family member has had a bad experience with a medication, please report it. If you don’t know the exact answer to some of the questions, make your best guess, but do report it! Here is the number and the website to file a report with the FDA: FDA 1 800 FDA 1088 or watch

Modern Medicine – An Independent Perspective

October 2016

Having practiced medicine for the past fifty years, periodically a number of innovative thoughts and concepts have come to my mind or to my attention. These may vary from time-tested procedures that have been traditionally accepted but are frequently less than effective, to more recently developed initiatives. Time does not necessarily dull the senses and indeed, may enhance one’s level of perception. An accumulated knowledge-base often becomes a source from which many concepts can be derived, particularly those that can provide significant benefit to patients in need of help.
As the judicial system, the insurance sector, managed healthcare and politicians increasingly dominate and regulate medical practice, the patient seldom, if ever, obtains benefit from their well-advertised “improvements”. Gatekeepers cling to perspectives that are outdated and coupled with a lack of understanding of illness and how to deal with it in a compassionate, humane and intelligent manner add to the already substantial impediments to the delivery of quality patient care.

Commissions and the ubiquitous high-priced consultants, who are frequently retained to fortify or maintain positions verging on ignorance, similar to the oppressions originating in the legal and accounting arenas, add nothing to the equation. Invariably, the majority of regulatory decisions are designed to “work” the system in order to advance the personal vested interests of the proponents only.

MD’s are human and therefore fallible. The pressure currently exerted on every aspect of their activities does not necessarily make them better doctors, indeed the reverse would appear to be the case. As I have often stated, all the legislation in the world cannot make bad doctors good, but can certainly make good doctors bad. Torn between the imposition of billing codes and the subtle unrelenting pressures of the pharmaceutical industrial complex to which they frequently appear to have outsourced their brains, they lose sight of the patient and their problems.
Needless to say, a thorough revision of the entire educational process should be mandatory to facilitate change. This includes training and education at all levels.

To be productive, the human organism must be allowed to think independently to engender the creativity required to facilitate progress, rather than to be suppressed by the rigid minds that seek to totally control how medicine and related activities are conducted. Codes are no substitute for passion and regulations can serve as major impediments to highly effective care.

Addressing these issues should be the predominant objective in current day healthcare systems; rigidity and over-regulation provide benefit to no one and negatively impact human endeavor, including treatment outcomes. In an era where with new technologies so much more is possible, less is being accomplished; moreover, accountability has literally disappeared.

Ethics committees, often composed of a cross-section of professionals and individuals selected ad hoc, theoretically presenting a cross-section of the community, all too often unite in order to repress the productivity of the individual human mind, which when left to its own devices, can often accomplish so much. The potent human factor is being destroyed by the so-called “logic” of those who would endeavour to enrich themselves through the misfortune of others.

One must always be aware of the tremendous and growing influence big pharma and other gatekeepers have on medical education, in addition to the impact on the actual practice of medicine. These influences serve only to strangle both intellectual and technical progress and in the cold light of day, can only be deemed regressive forces.

Just recently, I was playing golf with two acquaintances and one of them, a physician, had recently referred to me a patient for consultation. The latter was a 27-year-old individual who seven years earlier, was involved in a major automobile accident. Since that time, he had been suffering in what may best be termed “extremis”.

While taking his history, the patient held his head in his hands, stating that he had suffered from wrenching, excruciating headaches 24/7 since his accident. During the course of questioning, he actually broke down in tears. This condition made his life unbearable, despite the dozen or so medications that had been prescribed to him and which were no doubt compounding his pain and agitation. In my mind, no human being should be allowed to suffer in this manner, while insurance companies, lawyers and others decide his fate, totally failing to comprehend the anguish to which the patient is subjected on a daily basis. Meanwhile, the attending physician and other specialists, who from time to time are consulted, stand by, having given up in their efforts to advocate for improvement of the patient’s status.

I offered to treat this patient at my personal expense, but was forbidden to do so by the representatives of the judicial system and the insurance company involved.
The other member of our group happened to be the father of a 32-year-old who had also sustained a severe MVA at age 25 and had been in total limbo ever since; living at the family cottage in relatively acute distress and requiring the constant care and observation of another family member. All remedies available had failed him. His mental and physical condition had steadily deteriorated while the family went through three sets of legal representatives, none of whom provided any relief. Without question, the latter individuals are engaged in these endeavors purely to achieve their own mercenary objectives, sometimes even conspiring with each other for personal gain and invariably at the patient’s expense.

While the charts of these unfortunate patients “age”, physicians stand by helplessly and sometimes not even caring while making the patient’s condition worse by over-medicating. Meanwhile, the charts are maturing and legal fees continue to mount. Many diverse professionals derive profit from the never ending assessments requested by legal representatives and physicians working for the insurance companies; realistically haggling over what is best for them and seldom, if ever, with any real consideration of the patient. Clearly, these legal proceedings are not only reprehensible, but should be termed criminal activities. At the same time, politicians knowingly stand by without initiating drastic reforms to rectify these matters.

Why governments tolerate this untoward behavior is difficult, if not impossible to explain. At the same time, realistically, we all know those patently obvious reasons for this state of affairs – economics and greed.

The injured, who are suffering from symptoms that may be unbearable, are being literally destroyed without any reasonable or timely expectation of a normal life, while facing a society that is totally immune to their suffering. Not only is their own life intolerable, but also that of the families who attempt to care for them and are also being destroyed by these erosive events.
The patient, at the direction of the insurance company, may be shunted from specialist to specialist, each of whom prescribes additional medication, compounding the problem, masking the correct diagnoses and denying appropriate therapeutic solutions.

Thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, around the globe are drowning in this ocean of neglect and who cares about this? No one except their own families, in the best of situations.
Unfortunately, the complexity of the problems involved is generally not understood, nor the simple solutions that exist and should be applied.

How long must this charade go on? Obviously forever, or until the patient loses their sanity or expires: a solution for everyone except the patient.

In a civilized society, these matters should be declared unlawful and it is long past the time that these injustices should be redressed.

A Final Note on the Statins?

A great deal more has been written in favour of the utilization of statins than papers opposed. Interestingly enough, all of the positive data has been produced by industry-sponsored studies, which should immediately raise concern with regard to bias. The negative opinions expressed in independent studies are generally suppressed or declared to consist of insufficient data; again by those retained by the pharmaceutical industry in their efforts to “condition” physicians to continue to prescribe statin pills without restraint. Sometimes it would appear that physicians have “outsourced” their brains to the drug industry.

The pharmaceutical industrial complex seldom focuses on the adverse effects of these drugs, including fatigue, muscle pain, GI upset, memory loss, the onset of diabetes, possibly ALS and other problems still undetermined. It is estimated that over 20% of all statin users have significant muscle pain alone; moreover, the fatigue resulting from the use of these drugs has resulted in individuals becoming more sedentary and subsequently obese and these factors are barely mentioned. It is important to note that many who have used the statin drugs for a long period of time are of the opinion that they no longer require a healthy diet or exercise as their problem can simply be cured by swallowing pills.

Realistically, the preferable way to avoid myocardial infarction, CVAs, etc. is to eat a healthy, balanced, Mediterranean-style diet, engage in regular daily physical activity, avoid smoking, use alcohol moderately and above all things, give every form of stress a wide berth.

Peer reviewers, specialists and metanalysis experts are proactive in publishing the positive pro-statin papers in the Lancet, the New England Journal of Medicine and other highly respected medical publications. From my perspective and in light of our current culture, this practice is open to question.

Clearly, it is time to attempt to understand these matters. Today, all organizations and their practices are suspect. Unfortunately anyone who dares to criticize established organizations becomes unpopular with the voices of mainstream medicine and is therefore denied a public podium. This, by no means, erases the important questions that should be asked.
Balanced debate and more research would certainly be welcome and possibly even helpful. Certainly more transparency is required and all data should be open to question. Whereas the controversy is by no means over, personally, I would avoid the ingestion of statin medications in all of its formulations.

Duane Graveline

The enclosed article composed by Dr. Malcolm Kendrick once again focuses on the statin drugs, which are almost routinely prescribed by most practicing physicians.

In many instances this may be contrary to the patient’s best interests as evidence of adverse reactions continue to accumulate. Clearly this topic requires further analysis without bias.

I never met Duane Graveline in person, but we communicated regularly. He was a doctor who trained as an astronaut with NASA. Sadly, he never made it into space. He was also a dedicated researcher and aerospace doctor

Superficially at least, a very conventional doctor, he was found to have a high cholesterol and his doctor put him on statins. He was initially grateful for this, firmly believing that raised cholesterol caused heart disease.

He then suffered an episode of transient global amnesia (TGA). A scary event, where you forget who you are or where you are, for a short period. Initially, he feared that he had suffered a stroke, but he had not. He stopped his statin, then re-started, and suffered another episode of TGA. His doctor assured him that the statin could not have been the cause.

However, he began to research transient global amnesia and a possible connection with statins. He found many other people who had suffered exactly the same symptoms – whilst on statins. An adverse effect still not listed, or accepted, by the medical profession. The normal response is that… statins don’t do that.

Following this, and with his faith in statins and the cholesterol hypothesis, seriously damaged, he concentrated his efforts into looking at all of the potential adverse effects that these drugs may cause. He had been repeatedly told that statins were absolutely safe and side effect free. He had been confidently informed that his own adverse effects were nothing to do with statins. A sadly familiar story to me. However, he no longer believed such reassurances, and set about trying to discover the truth.

One area where he focussed attention, probably due to his background in aerospace medicine, was a growing concern that any airline pilot taking a statin could suffer an episode of TGA – and simply forget how to fly the plane [an issue he raised that worries me still].

Shortly after (I am not entirely sure on the timeline here) he developed Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. Called Lou Gehrig’s disease in the US – I believe. This condition is normally fatal within a couple of years. But his syndrome did not develop that rapidly. He believes, and so do I, that his ALS was caused by statins, and was therefore not true ALS. Difficult to prove, but there have been many other recorded cases, and the WHO issued a warning about a possible association between statins and ALS.

In time Duane became the most outspoken critic of statins – that I know of. He wrote books on the subject, including ‘Lipitor, thief of memory.’ And ‘The statin damage crisis.’ He set up the website where he collected an immense amount of data on statins and adverse effects data.

There was also ground-breaking research on co-enzyme Q10, trans-fatty acids and much else to do with CVD. In addition to this, he was gathering and compiling data from the FDA Medwatch database, and putting together an extensive and scary list of all the reported statin adverse effects [the tip of an iceberg]. For example, he calculated at least eight hundred recorded deaths from rhabdomyolysis.

He was not a zealot. He believed that statins do have benefits in CVD. He believed these benefits were due to anti-inflammatory actions – nothing to do with lowering cholesterol levels. Following from this, he thought that the beneficial, anti-inflammatory, effects of statins could be obtained at very low doses. Doses that would not cause severe adverse effects. We disagreed on the inflammatory aspect of CVD – but agreed on pretty much everything else. He sent me papers he had written, asking for my input and editing. I obliged when I could.

He was an energetic man, an honest man, and a man who was trying to do his best to help people, even into his ninth decade. He will be sorely missed.

Current Research on the Management of Pain

May 10, 2016

A recent study at McGill University found that light therapy can be used as a non-invasive approach in chronic pain management. Researchers were able to treat mice with light sensitive neurons in a region of the brain responsible for cerebral transmission. Once exposed to light, these neurons ended up reducing their bioelectric activity effectively shutting off the neurons and their pain producing ability. The researchers found that the pain relieving effect of the light treatment persisted even after therapy was concluded.

Results show that acute blockade of Nav 1.8+ terminals reduces pain transmission and that prolonged inhibition of peripheral input causes short-term analgesia, outlasting the optical stimulation.

(Report published by Montreal Neurological Institute, April 21, 2016)

This illustrates one of several ways in which light affects function of the central and peripheral nervous system. Unlike other approaches for controlling brain activity, such as the use of drugs, this type of therapy can be precise both in terms of timing and types of cells affected.

Using optogenetics to control pain transmission would appear to be a much more targeted approach to chronic pain relief than today’s more common methods, such as use of opiates, which cannot be localized or prescribed with the same precision as a beam of light.

Another recent study from MIT shows that optogenetics could be used to control obsessive compulsive behaviour in mice by working to turn off the hyperactive neurons responsible for the compulsive behavior patterns.

These research projects explore some of the mechanisms which are activated by appropriately designed Laser Therapy Devices and protocols utilized.


Fred Kahn, MD, FRCS(C)

Obituary: Oliver Sacks – (July 9, 1933 – August 30, 2015)

Obituary: Oliver Sacks – (July 9, 1933 – August 30, 2015)

Norman Doidge, MD, recently wrote a 9000-word homage devoted to Oliver Sacks in the form of a eulogy. The article explains Sacks’s monumental achievement in restoring the individual patient to his rightful place as the primary focus of all health care services. In today’s climate to achieve this objective in a realistic way may however be problematic.

Dr. Doidge also explains how Sacks transformed himself into becoming one of the most empathetic physicians and medical writers of our time. It is distinctly a portrait of a man going beyond his own limitations.

It would appear that we can all learn from Oliver Sacks on how to live a full and rewarding life and even how to gracefully exit from that state.

Hopefully a Light at the End of the Tunnel?

Hopefully a Light at the End of the Tunnel? – A commentary on an article from the Globe and Mail, Monday, July 13, 2015.

Reflections on Home Care and Community Clinics as depicted in the Globe article.

All too often the principals who form and control the organizations providing the type of care discussed, have been awarded government contracts to render these services, as rewards for working on political campaigns donating funds to parties and actively aiding politicians to become elected.

The result – the care provided is generally third rate and in many instances, may be counterproductive to the objective intended. Whereas bureaucrats state that these programs save millions of dollars in health care; in essence, more frequently they prolong existing problems at a prohibitive cost. In too many instances, those who propose to render this “high quality care?”, have minimal understanding of the medical aspects of these clinical problems and how to resolve them.

Although I have not directly investigated these organizations as time does not permit, patients that present who have been treated by these groups have seldom been well served and indeed in too many instances, their lesions have become more extensive over prolonged courses of treatment.

One might conclude that this is simply another example of politicians rewarding their friends with lucrative financial contracts and making a mockery of Canadian health care with regard to patient focus.

There is a great deal more to wound care for example than periodic debridement, dressing changes, etc. and often these archaic methods perpetuate an increase in the dimension of these lesions until the limb is amputated or the patient expires.

Quality care unfortunately requires understanding of the pathology, a thorough and careful individual assessment and properly directed therapy, not budgets and outmoded methodologies, which in the long-term are much more expensive than focusing on the problem and resolving it in a meaningful, appropriate fashion.


read the full article here:



Statins and their utilization continues to be controversial. Increasing evidence is being presented that their therapeutic value may be open to question.

The two articles provided stimulate independent thought with regard to their status. What is clear is that they provide monumental income to the manufacturers and that physicians have been conditioned to prescribe them, something that clearly requires further discussion and evaluation. The articles speak for themselves.


Without question, there are many effective drugs on the market and I endorse those completely. On the other hand, the drawing below clearly demonstrate why over-medication is currently in vogue, at least in North America.

What is the reason for this? Can anyone guess?

