A Final Note on the Statins?

A great deal more has been written in favour of the utilization of statins than papers opposed. Interestingly enough, all of the positive data has been produced by industry-sponsored studies, which should immediately raise concern with regard to bias. The negative opinions expressed in independent studies are generally suppressed or declared to consist of insufficient data; again by those retained by the pharmaceutical industry in their efforts to “condition” physicians to continue to prescribe statin pills without restraint. Sometimes it would appear that physicians have “outsourced” their brains to the drug industry.

The pharmaceutical industrial complex seldom focuses on the adverse effects of these drugs, including fatigue, muscle pain, GI upset, memory loss, the onset of diabetes, possibly ALS and other problems still undetermined. It is estimated that over 20% of all statin users have significant muscle pain alone; moreover, the fatigue resulting from the use of these drugs has resulted in individuals becoming more sedentary and subsequently obese and these factors are barely mentioned. It is important to note that many who have used the statin drugs for a long period of time are of the opinion that they no longer require a healthy diet or exercise as their problem can simply be cured by swallowing pills.

Realistically, the preferable way to avoid myocardial infarction, CVAs, etc. is to eat a healthy, balanced, Mediterranean-style diet, engage in regular daily physical activity, avoid smoking, use alcohol moderately and above all things, give every form of stress a wide berth.

Peer reviewers, specialists and metanalysis experts are proactive in publishing the positive pro-statin papers in the Lancet, the New England Journal of Medicine and other highly respected medical publications. From my perspective and in light of our current culture, this practice is open to question.

Clearly, it is time to attempt to understand these matters. Today, all organizations and their practices are suspect. Unfortunately anyone who dares to criticize established organizations becomes unpopular with the voices of mainstream medicine and is therefore denied a public podium. This, by no means, erases the important questions that should be asked.
Balanced debate and more research would certainly be welcome and possibly even helpful. Certainly more transparency is required and all data should be open to question. Whereas the controversy is by no means over, personally, I would avoid the ingestion of statin medications in all of its formulations.