Monthly Archives: April 2015



Fred Kahn, MD, FRCS(C)

One must always be cognizant that nature and time combine to heal many pathologies, particularly if there is no secondary interference. Many therapies currently utilized to promote healing actually obstruct this process. When healing does occur it is often ascribed to whatever modalities or technologies are applied and we point out this erroneous line of reasoning.

Allowing the body’s natural proclivities to heal, along with rest, are essential to the resolution of many disease processes, the majority of which are denoted by an inflammatory process. Exercise, pharmaceuticals and other inappropriate therapies are often counterproductive to the efforts required to achieve healing in many pathological situations. Medications mask symptoms and do not address the causative factors and along with many other therapies which may be contraindicated, encourage conditions to become chronic or “stall” the healing process.  This has been proven by introducing the standards of evidence-based medicine and also understanding the neuroplasticity of the brain, which is increasingly stressed in the up to date literature.

BioFlex Laser Therapy Systems are specifically designed to resolve causative factors which produce symptoms and work in conjunction with nature’s ability to achieve that end. In our culture of instant gratification and the inappropriate influences of advertising, many therapists are advised how to promote healing, although many of those recommended methods may actually disrupt the homeostatic status or at best, prolong the duration of the particular disease involved. Again, it should be noted that Laser Therapy Systems work in conjunction with nature and the control of environmental factors that may often be an impediment on the road to healing.

Degenerative osteoarthritis, a common condition with its accompanying chronic/acute pain patterns almost genetically imprinted, the so-called “non-healable ulcer” of an extremity of many years duration, spinal stenosis which may often confine patients to their beds for prolonged periods of time and a host of other problematic conditions are generally resistant to the majority of technologies applied today — the reason, they are directed to reduce the severity of symptoms, rather than addressing the resolution of the pathology responsible for these sensations, such as pain.

Over 50% of the conditions treated daily at the Meditech Clinics consist of these types of problems and in over 90% we achieve relative cures in a short period of time. One must realize that this cannot be accomplished by treating the economically dictated 5, 10 or even 15 minutes, except in instances of minimal to moderate type lesions. Not only is the duration of significance but also the development of scientifically developed protocols that withstand the scrutiny of evidence-based practice. Therapy must be applied for each individual condition in a somewhat controlled manner in order to produce consistent positive results; this recalls the dictum that one size does not fit all. Duration of treatment must relate to the chronicity of the condition, the extent of the pathology and the consideration of many other factors including activity levels, the environment, etc.

It is interesting to note that misleading advertisements in the laser industry often claim that Class IV lasers, as opposed to Class III devices, penetrate deeper, require only milliseconds of application, heal faster, etc.; nothing could be further from the truth. Not only are these statements incorrect but they have never been supported by any scientific evidence. If lesions do heal, in some instances this unquestionably is the result of the body’s natural healing mechanisms and the passage of time and probably more expeditiously than with the introduction and interference of so called healing modalities.

Unfortunately misleading and false advertising, so common in our culture, does not refer to the many aspects of therapy required to resolve any particular medical problem i.e. the individualization of each pathological process, the application of the correct protocols including the duration of treatment required for resolution. Understanding the Science of Laser Therapy, the pathological changes and the physiology of the cells are guidelines that must be carefully considered with regard to each individual patient’s condition.