Monthly Archives: May 2007

Laser Therapy vs Traditional Scar Ablation Methods

I recently reviewed an article titled "Polyurethane Dressing in the Treatment of Hypertrophic Scars in Comparison to Silicone Sheets." Currently, these are conventional approaches in the treatment of hypertrophic scars. Other therapies include intralesional corticosteroid injections, interferon, surgical therapy, radiotherapy, and cryotherapy. Without personally utilizing most of the conventional therapies currently in vogue, one might deduce that the reason for this is, that they are all equally ineffective. Whenever there are many different treatments for one condition, generally all are less than effective.

An overwhelming body of literature indicates that all these approaches are equally unrewarding with regard to results.

At Meditech, we find that scar ablation can be rapidly accomplished using the appropriate low intensity laser therapy protocols prescribed. Clearly, low intensity laser therapy, as in many other conditions, should be the treatment of choice for the ablation of scars and hypertrophied tissues in general. 

Dr Gifford Jones on LILT Wound Healing

Dr. Gifford-Jones in his syndicated column recently published a very complimentary article regarding the use of laser in wound healing and the treatment of many dermatological conditions.

The research carried out for this article was certainly comprehensive and incisive. In cunjunction with Dr. Gifford-Jones's publication, we recommend that all practitioners who deal with these types of problems evaluate the utilization of low intensity laser therapy for a more effective therapeutic solution in treating these frequently challenging conditions.

International Therapists & The National Ballet

Every week at Meditech is exciting. Over the past week, we had therapists in attendance from Brazil, California, and Bermuda. Next weekend, we will be conducting a two-day certification seminar in Edmonton, Alberta for approximately 30 therapists who have signed up for the course.

In recent weeks, we have been providing laser therapy for a number of members of the National Ballet Company , including prima ballerina Evelyn Hart , formerly with the Royal Winnipeg Ballet. Several of the dancers were so impressed with the results of the therapy that they persuaded the company to purchase two Bioflex Systems for treatment on site.  It is always gratifying to the Meditech team when these events occur.

Fred Kahn, M.D., FRCS(C)