Daily Archives: February 25, 2013

A Commentary on Electroshock Therapy

Historically, electroshock therapy has been utilized clinically for the better part of the past century. Aside from the trauma to the brain tissue, which may be irreversible, the benefit obtained, no matter how great, is only temporary. This in itself should mitigate against the application of this therapy. Needless to say, psychiatrists, psychotherapists, and others who deal with problematic patients, frequently become frustrated with a conservative approach and when stimulated by patients and/or relatives, may surrender to the temptation to change the therapeutic paradigm.

A preponderance of existing evidence indicates that utilization of ECT is controversial at best. From my personal perspective, I would certainly employ measures that are more conservative, such as psychotherapy, tranquilizers, etc. On the other hand, unquestionably there are occasions where ECT can be used as a court of last resort.

In the current medical climate, there is an overwhelming desire, if not need, to obtain “a quick fix” – ie. the so-called Instant Gratification Syndrome. This should definitely be replaced by less intrusive methods, requiring patience on the part of the therapist along with the client. More practitioners should give this matter considerable thought and reflection.

In our experience, in a small group of patients where ECT has been previously utilized, replacing this therapy with Laser Therapy has proven to be beneficial and obviates the need for more intrusive therapy. Studies in this area are continuing and indications to date are that wider adaptation of Laser Therapy is warranted.

Laser Therapy is used to widely irradiate the cervical spine, the brain, and of course the cerebrospinal fluid and its components. This creates a potent calming, or neuromediation effect, which is often dramatic from a therapeutic perspective.

For additional information contact Fernanda Saraga, Ph.D, Meditech International Inc., fernanda@bioflexlaser.com