Daily Archives: April 12, 2018

BioFlex Laser Therapy Patient Review – Agnese Nunno

I came to Dr. Kahn because I wanted help with my long term memory. I noticed slowly over time, that I had started to forget events that happened in my life, words of songs I use to sing every day amongst other things. I had no idea how much the laser therapy could help heal, amongst many other things.

After the first two treatments I started to notice small changes occur. My sensitivity to light started to become less pronounced, as well as my sensitivity to sound. This was incredibly encouraging to me as I did not think changes would happen so quickly, nor those kinds.

On my own time, throughout the laser therapy treatments, I would work to rewire my brain. I paid close attention to things that occurred that were out of the norm for me. For example, one day while I Was eating, I noticed that I absentmindedly picked up my fork with my non dominant hand and started to eat with ease. The change that become most pronounced throughout the treatments was my overall mood was calmer and happier making my thoughts clearer. My concentration on topics often deemed less enjoyable, became easier to the point where I would describe it as not human. I became able to focus with so much strength that hours would go by before I realized how much time had actually passed. I became able to translate my thoughts into words faster, with the uncategorized fog I had lived with for so many years in my head, disappearing. My procrastination habits vanished where beginning topics no longer needed my rituals of the slow staggered start with scrolling through Facebook, watching YouTube videos until I’ve psyched myself up enough to begin.

I would read different articles and parts of books on rewiring the brain, and apply what I could. I would practice memorizing new topics using all the available senses. I looked at the laser therapy as a tool to work with and I used it as such.

My random anxiety where I would be performing a task and out of the blue have a panic attack for no reason, went from being a 10/10 to a 0/10. My depression and random crying had ceased to exist where now any reason I may feel down or anxious can be directly explained to an event occurring or that has happened. Same can be said for my random unexplained feeling of irritability, which went from again being a 10/10 to a 0/10.

Interesting to note, in order to control my anxiety I had slowly progressed to drinking every night more than a healthy amount for the past five years, which helped calm me but was obviously becoming a problem. The laser therapy had made the desire to drink become less pronounced, and I took that clutch to help me stop drinking.
I sleep sounder at night, and I’m less tiered than I was before where it felt like no amount of sleep was enough. I find that it is also easier to fall asleep without having to take any sleep aids like melatonin.

When in an argument or discussion I find I can now keep up, as before it was difficult because due to the stress I would forget what I had just said or what the other person has just said. As a result this has given me confidence which has helped me not to be afraid as I previously was. The laser therapy has helped me in other areas not expected as well, but the ones that I have spoken about I thought were worth mentioning.

Overall I am incredibly happy with the results of the laser therapy. Currently I’ve had over 15 laser treatments and I would say I feel 98% healed. The 2% that remains is my noise sensitivity, which I have been able to narrow down to two specific situations that affect me. First one being, when I’m on a crowded subway during rush hour where it becomes stressful due to the crowds, the pushing, touching, shoving etc., and the other being people yelling. I feel that the reason why I’m not 100% healed yet is because right after my treatment I have to take the subway back home. I compare it to, having just had a foot cast taken off and then running a marathon right away. I still live at home with my 5 younger siblings with four of them being teenagers and there tends to be a lot of arguments and yelling between them which will make my ears start to ring and vibrate. In the end though, the reason I came to Dr. Kahn was for my long term memory and as far as I can see it has taken care of that concern.