Daily Archives: March 19, 2018

Abstract – Case History – Cerebral Concussion

This 28-year-old bank employee sustained at least three concussions and injuries to the cervical spine, the first one occurring at age 10 years. The concussions were invariably activity/sports related and were not accompanied by any episodes of loss of consciousness.

As the number of traumatic episodes increased, she began to develop symptoms which early on were sometimes relieved by craniosacral massage but as symptoms progressed, they became chronic.

Over the years, she developed the following symptoms: severe long term memory loss and fronto-temporal headaches characterized by extreme pressure sensations, which could be quite debilitating. Sleep became increasingly problematic, she began to suffer from light sensitivity, anxiety, depression, fatigue, tinnitus and an inability to concentrate. From the sixth grade on, she also developed a learning disability, which proved to be a significant impediment.

Symptoms prior to attending the Meditech Laser Therapy Clinic in January 2018 had limited both physical and mental activities and diminished her quality of life.

The patient’s testimonial included in this abstract clearly relates her story subsequent to undergoing a course of BioFlex Laser Therapy.

During the course of this year at Meditech, the clinic will treat approximately one thousand similar cases. Once again, this patient demonstrates the high level of effectiveness of Laser Technology in treating the majority of patients suffering from this disease entity.