Reflections on Neurological Conditions

Many illnesses share common DNA roots. The five most common mental illnesses present in the following order:

1. Autism.
2. ADD.
3. Bipolar disease.
4. Schizophrenia.
5. Depression.

The latest research published in the journal Lancet indicates that all these diseases are the result of genetic variations, some of which have been extensively reviewed. i.e.:

• Chromosome 3
• Chromosome 10
• Calcium channels, which play a significant factor in controlling cell function
• Environmental influences

This synopsis of mental illnesses and the factors involved (many of which are unknown) are challenging, particularly with regard to effective therapies.

Currently, there is an extensive amount of research being carried out in many leading clinical and research centres throughout the world and it would appear that genetic factors may be pre-eminent as the etiological causes responsible for these disease processes.

Laser Therapy is beginning to play a role in this therapeutic area, which of course is important, in order to achieve positive clinical outcomes. Some of the effects of Laser Therapy on neurological tissue include the following:

• Increase in ATP production raising energy levels within the cells
• Increased deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and ribonucleic acid (RNA)
• Increased nitric oxide (NO) release
• Enhanced cytochrome c oxidase activity
• Modulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS)
• Modifications to intracellular organelle membrane activity
• Cytoprotective effects
• Down-regulation of pro-inflammatory mediators
• Increase in secretion of anti-inflammatory mediators
• Angiogenesis
• Neurogenesis and neuroplasticity facilitation

All of these physiological activities produce a neuromodulating or neuromedation type of effect, particularly on brain tissue.

This commentary is appropriate as at this time more effective therapies need to be developed to deal with these problems. At Meditech, we have had a long standing interest in these pathologies and recent discussions with several neuroscientists stimulate our efforts to accelerate the development of reliable therapeutic options.

As an increasing number of patients are treated, we gain experience, establish effective protocols and expect that our work in the treatment of these complex and problematic conditions will be particularly rewarding for patients.

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