Daily Archives: August 3, 2007

Dermatological Protocols

As previously stated over the past two years, we are continuing with a number of studies focusing on protocols for the treatment of dermal lesions and as we find exciting new applications we will pass them on to you periodically.

Two weeks ago, a patient presented with a large keloid malformation over the anterior chest wall. This problem began several years ago with an infection and the subsequent development of a scar. Two years ago, this lesion was excised by a plastic surgeon, however within a year the lesion returned with significantly increased dimensions both in diameter and elevation. (Transverse dimension 8cm, vertical 4.5cm and elevation 5mm)

Subsequently, there were a number of cortisone injections and application of various topical medications, all of which failed to diminish the size of the keloid.

The patient first presented at Meditech on July 23, 2007. The initial protocol utilized was red continuous for 10 minutes, infrared 50/70 for 10 minutes and the 75mW infrared probe continuous wave for 5 minutes, as well as the 100mW red probe continuous wave for 5 minutes. The patient has had a total of six treatments since then and on August 1st, quite remarkably, the lesion was barely visible and in total dimensions, elevation, etc. has been reduced over 90%.

After the two initial treatments, red was utilized at 100/90 for 8 minutes, infrared 250/80 for 8 minutes and the 100mW red probe continuous for 3 minutes, plus the 200mW infrared probe continuous wave for 3 minutes. 

Again, after two treatments, further protocol changes were instituted utilizing the 75mW infrared probe and the 100mW red probe for 4 minutes each. The other protocols were unchanged.

Lessons to be learned from this approach indicate that one must be acutely aware of physical change and correlate it with protocol settings. We started with relatively low levels and went to higher levels fairly rapidly, as this appeared to be the appropriate course. The success we achieved was dramatic to say the least.

At this time, we are also treating ten or more psoriatic lesions with a significant degree of success. Some are highly successful, some slower to improve, but in all instances improvement is noticed either shortly after initiating treatment or after five plus treatments. These results are extremely encouraging and we hope to correlate them in a more definitive manner by the end of this year. In the meantime, we will keep you informed. (Initial & final pictures will be forthcoming.)

On an additional note, I had the opportunity to review Jan Tunér’s article, “Is the Blue Cross Meta Analysis Reliable?” As usual, Dr. Tunér’s articles are incisive, knowledgeable and to the point. Furthermore, the article points out the lack of reliability in many assessments, much as his recent article with regard to advertising in the laser industry. My interpretation of Dr. Tunér’s message is – always state the facts as they exist. Through this process, education and integrity will be enhanced.